is engaged in the business of `Natural and Renewable source’ products thereby preserving the environment. FOL is working towards the Greener Goal and is an environmentally responsible Company in India. The main objectives of CSR Policy of FOL is (1) to take up the programmes / projects which benefit the citizens residing around the Company’s manufacturing plant thereby improving the quality of life and health of the said citizens. (2) To address critical social, environmental and economic needs of the less privileged section of the society. (3) To create goodwill for FOL and establish new bench mark by becoming a responsible corporate entity.
Promoting Health Care and Preventive Health care
The Company has carried out following C.S.R. activities either on its own or through implementing Agencies during 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 for preventive Health Care of Citizens.
Plastic Waste Management
Pursuant to G.P.C.B.’s 100 days campaign for Plastic Waste Management, Company undertook Plastic Waste Management campaign in the villages surrounding the manufacturing plant of the Company.
Measure for the benefit of armed force veterans
The Company contributed for payment of solatium to wounded warrior through implementing agency during 2022-23.